Friday, April 8, 2016


I really like the Blue Moon logo because it is a simple idea however it is represented very well. Not only does "Blue Moon" sound appealing, but the way the words flows throughout the moon is pleasing towards the audience. The font also fits perfectly because it seems like it's a mixture between script however it also has serifs on the ends on some letters. My favorite color is blue so my opinion may be biased.

This "Key of Life" logo is really interesting to me because the words "Key" and "Life" are exactly the same however in the middle of the logo, the "F" is turned sideways in order to resemble a key. This is simple but very creative. I also can still read what the logo is saying which makes it even more cool.

Social swap is a very good logo because the color of it stands out more than any other logo I've looked at. The image shows two arrows crossing over each other and pointing in opposite ways so it creates a interesting design

I like "Sharlock's" logo because its a simple design but stands out to me. The image is of a simple lock but inside the lock is a rainbow of colors, which creates a focal point for the audience. The font is interesting and easily readable.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Evan's Poster Reflection

1) Yes I do believe my stance is clear within my poster. I included Kobe being the biggest person in my poster and I added a spotlight on him. I also included five triangle like shapes coming out of him to symbolize that he has won five NBA championships. The colors I included clearly demonstrate that Kobe is the best out of the three. I also minimized LeBron and Jordan to show Kobe's dominance.
2) I do feel I was successful by looking back to my thumbnail sketches. I incorporated Kobe and how he is the best player of all time. I also mentioned a few of the other nominees.
3) From the very first version of my poster, all I had was a couple photos of Kobe and I didn't know how to arrange them. After incorporating other players into my poster, I added color, a specific background, and shapes to create an ideal poster that catches the audience's eye.
4) By looking at the rubric, the category that I am the strongest in is the concept. I feel it is pretty clear that I am stating the Kobe is the best player all time by text and by shapes and photos. The category I am least confident in is the skills and technique because Illustrator was very difficult for me and I changed my idea a couple of times.
5) The most challenging aspect of this project was finding the right kind of images to use for my poster. Some of the images I found on google were the right kind of images, however they were too small or even too big to use. Some images were too blurry to use so I had to keep working. Once I found the right image, I would have to go to Illustrator and crop out the background so it's just the player.
6) The most challenging part of this project for me technically speaking was getting the hang of the items on Illustrator because I didn't know how to use the pen tool as well as the magnetic lasso tool. Since I didn't know how to use them, it was difficult finishing the project. Also, my poster got deleted a couple of times which was very frustrating.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Social Media

One issue for social media is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a major issue that relates to kids bullying each other through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Some kids don't know how to handle being bullied. I am against cyberbullying because there have been many cases where kids have fallen into deep depressions and have even killed themselves because kids cyberbully each other. Bullying someone in general is wrong but over social media is even worse and just pathetic. People bully others to make themselves feel good so if thats what they need to boost their self-esteem, that's just ridiculous.
Broadsides are printed on one side only and list a bunch of governmental notifications with commercial announcements. Broadsides were produced in large quantities and were distributed around the town quickly so they spread to all citizens. They were supposed to have an impact on people and then be discarded. Posters were popular and affordable while citizens hung them in their houses as display. 

During the French Poster Craze, posters appealed to artists because there was a middle class with tons of leisure time so they needed something to do. The posters started because they marketed goods and theatrical entertainment. It turned into a collectable and affordable art piece for middle class homes. The large format allowed artists to make a public presentation and their names were recognized. 

When Japan's Uklyo-e prints were exported to France, they inspired many different artists. They incorporated traditional elements and decorative designs. The Uklyo were used to advertise theater, brothels, popular actors, and beautiful girls. 

From the Early European Illustrated Posters, the poster that attaracted my eye would be the second one from the left, the green one with the women because the color attracted my eye and I didn't know what the woman was doing in the poster so I looked more carefully at it. I like the mist coming from the cup because it surrounds the poster. I do not see the relevance in graphic design today. 

From the Cubism art pieces, these posters are different from the Early European pieces because they have more solid colors that are spread throughout the poster. These pieces are very bold because every person is doing something. In the first piece, there is a demon with something in its hand which makes me more curious. 

For the Photographic Posters, one artwork that appealed to me is the first one with everyone sitting around because it makes me wonder what they are all doing. It has a theme of silentness or quietness while there is a person on the ceiling.. 

From the Swiss Posters, one poster that has a clear focal point is the first one with the white and orange mountain in the back because it has a different color then the art surrounding it. The poster that has a composition with movement/dynamic is the one further down on the page with the blue background and the music notes all scrambled around. I could imagine the notes floating around which is why I picked it to be moving. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

GIF Reflection

1) My concept revolves around the idea of imaginative and creativity. It shows a person walking (which I do a lot) and a lightbulb popping over his head on the last frame to express that he has an idea. It shows that I am a creative genius. I arrived at this idea because on my thumbnail sketches, I described myself as an imaginative person. One of my sketches was a lightbulb and I thought it would be a good idea to have a person running or walking and have them get an idea. This is where I incorporated the lightbulb. This relates to me because I always have creative ideas while im waking down the street or wherever I am. 

3) My animated GIF has evolved from it's original idea because my it was simply a person walking and having a lightbulb pop up over his head. It was too simple so I put a tree in my GIF to make it look like my person is walking past a tree. It gives my GIF a little extra illustration to make it seem more appealing. Then I fixed my person walking so it my GIF wasn't choppy and it flowed a lot better. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Photoshop Project

1) My project concept is college and basketball. I picked college because as I was touring Syracuse University and I really liked the campus as well as the basketball gym. I took multiple pictures of the gym and used it in my project. I also pick basketball as my other concept because it's my favorite sport and I want to play basketball in college. I included Stephen Curry because he is my favorite basketball player.
2) The title of my project is "College Ball."
3) I am not very happy with my result because I know I could've done better but I ran out of time and had to rush though some of the components. In the beginning, I just mixed up with some of my ideas and couldn't decide on a concept. I also wanted to include myself in my project but I never took the right photo and it didn't fit into my concept so I couldn't include it.