Monday, March 21, 2016

Evan's Poster Reflection

1) Yes I do believe my stance is clear within my poster. I included Kobe being the biggest person in my poster and I added a spotlight on him. I also included five triangle like shapes coming out of him to symbolize that he has won five NBA championships. The colors I included clearly demonstrate that Kobe is the best out of the three. I also minimized LeBron and Jordan to show Kobe's dominance.
2) I do feel I was successful by looking back to my thumbnail sketches. I incorporated Kobe and how he is the best player of all time. I also mentioned a few of the other nominees.
3) From the very first version of my poster, all I had was a couple photos of Kobe and I didn't know how to arrange them. After incorporating other players into my poster, I added color, a specific background, and shapes to create an ideal poster that catches the audience's eye.
4) By looking at the rubric, the category that I am the strongest in is the concept. I feel it is pretty clear that I am stating the Kobe is the best player all time by text and by shapes and photos. The category I am least confident in is the skills and technique because Illustrator was very difficult for me and I changed my idea a couple of times.
5) The most challenging aspect of this project was finding the right kind of images to use for my poster. Some of the images I found on google were the right kind of images, however they were too small or even too big to use. Some images were too blurry to use so I had to keep working. Once I found the right image, I would have to go to Illustrator and crop out the background so it's just the player.
6) The most challenging part of this project for me technically speaking was getting the hang of the items on Illustrator because I didn't know how to use the pen tool as well as the magnetic lasso tool. Since I didn't know how to use them, it was difficult finishing the project. Also, my poster got deleted a couple of times which was very frustrating.