Sunday, October 18, 2015

Evan Anderson

My process started out by brainstorming ideas of what included the letter “Z” in. I was the only one that was able to choose my own letter since my name is the first one on the list, but I have no idea why I chose Z. I wanted to so some sort of snake and my Z slither down to form a snake, but then I got the idea of doing some sort of superhero logo. The batman logo instantly jumped into my mind since he’s my favorite crime fighter (since he has no super powers, I don’t think of him as a superhero). I drew out the batman logo and tried to fit a Z in there but it didn’t work out. The I shifted my attention the the Superman logo since he has an S in the logo, I thought I would flip it around to make a Z. I drew a couple thumbnails and it worked out pretty well. I changed the colors around and measured out the diamond and finally created my final product. 

I thought I did a good job of looking at a lot of examples online of the Superman logo. Whenever I needed a reference image, I went straight online. I also tried to use the same colors as the superman logo but i decided to change it at the last minute. 

The most challenging part of this project was trying to find out how to include my letter in a logo. I didn’t have any ideas come to me because I have a pretty difficult letter, but once I figured out that I was doing the superman logo, it was pretty simple from there. 

I am satisfied with my project because I worked hard by drawing, by brainstorming, and I am satisfied with the overall product. I never think I am good at art, but this project made me look good. 

If I could change anything, i would change the color scheme because I could've included complimentary colors to make it a little better.